
Have you ever seen a ten-foot-long Gantt chart? What about a VW Beetle sized mindmap of an institution’s online hierarchy? We have. We love to create them, and they are glorious parts of a project’s workflow! Still, they would be nothing if sharing them with the rest of the team was a nightmare. That’s why we use a quiver of online production and project management tools to keep everyone – from photographers and copywriters to designers and senior staff – a step up and on the same floor. We have a bias toward action, and it really is a special kind of awesomeness for teammates to know that the moodboards were approved last week, content for a campus-wide project update is due in two days, beta testing of WordPress plugins starts in a week, and this Thursday we’ll host an after-hours get-together at the local watering hole – first round is on us!

Gantt charts, timelines, and after-hours shindigs, oh my!